For many years, we had been dreaming of building a new home somewhere and venturing out into the world. After extensive searching, we finally decided to take a leap of faith...
The period of Covid gave us an opportunity to make the most of it, as we began to build our future on this dreamy island. Now, we are reaching the point where our house is almost complete, and I can start pursuing my hobbies and finally interact with people. Having thoroughly explored the country and fallen in love with its friendly people and breathtaking landscapes, it was only natural for me to help Hungarian visitors get to know the country better without falling into the tourist traps.
I aim to provide authentic experiences that truly offer freedom to everyone. Whether someone wants to make any changes, avoid crowds, or embark on a private program with their own friends, they can always turn to me. My only limitation is the availability of my resources. Together, we can figure out everything else.
Currently, I reside in Punta Cana with my husband, so most of the excursions start from here! Of course, if necessary, I can arrange anything you may need.
Kindness cannot be bought or paid for; it can only be given from the heart.
Találkozzunk Punta Canan:)
Gábossy Dóra
Dere :)
A személyes idegenvezető
Lassan 2 éve élek Dominikán a férjemmel.
Mindig is emberek között dolgoztam, így a kiborításomhoz igen komoly felkészültség kell:)
Napi rendszerességgel vezetek és minden nap a helyiek között bolyongok, ezért elég jól kiismerem már magamat.
Rengeteg embernek mutattam már meg az itteni csodákat, így bátran állíthatom, hogy állok elébe, bármit is hozzon a holnap.